Our achievements for the Minitry of Defense
- Algorithms of search for optimal escape trajectories; decision-making help for Commanders of "New Generation" Nuclear Submarines. Direction des Constructions Navales, Toulon, 1989-92.
- Target tracking: optimal determination of the parameters of treatment. Direction de la Recherche et de la Technologie, Délégation Générale pour l'Armement, 1995-96.
- Algorithms for intervisibility. Service Technique des Systèmes d'Information et de l'Electronique, Délégation Générale pour l'Armement, 1995-96
- Modeling in neuro-sciences. Direction des Systèmes de Force et de la Prospective, DGA, Paris, 1995-97
- Problems in Automatics. Groupe d'études des sous-marins de l'Atlantique, DGA, Brest, 1996
- Modeling of nuclear dissuasion between countries. Delegation aux Affaires Stratégiques, Ministry of Defense, 1997
- Massively parallel Algorithms and target tracking. Detection of the movement in a sequence of images. Centre Technique d'Arcueil, DGA, 1997-1998
- Determination of the attitude of an ammunition: reconstitution of the position of an ammunition in 3d space starting from 2d sights; processing of a series of images. Centre Technique d'Arcueil, DGA, 1997
- Optimization of the computation of Boolean functions in programmable artificial retinas. Centre Technique d'Arcueil, DGA, 1998-1999
- Analysis of textures: analyzing deformations, due to objects camouflaged by a texture. Centre Technique d'Arcueil, DGA, 1998-99
- Discrimination of decoys for the infra-red homing head ground-to-air missiles: new optronic treatments. Service des Missiles Tactiques, DGA, 1997-1999
- Precise positioning of a missile in final phase, using the image taken by the homing head. Study carried out jointly with Matra BAe Dynamics, for the Service des Programmes de Missiles Tactiques, DGA, 1999-2000
- Anti-torpedoes countermeasures: scenarios of use. Service des Programmes Navals, DGA, 2000
- Discrimination of the decoys by the missiles using an infra-red homing head. Study carried out jointly with Matra BAe Dynamics, for the Headquarters of the Air Force, French Army. 2001-2002.
- The Local Shield: pre-study of feasibility concerning the technologies likely to be used to protect a ship against a terrorist attack within a short range (rocket, missile). Study carried out for the Service des Programmes Navals, DGA, 2002
- Headquarters of the French Air Force : statistical tool for expenses, 2002
- Exportations of sensitive material : how to control them ? French Ministry of Defense, 2002-2003
- Headquarters of the French Air Force : A tool for mission preparation, 2003
- The Naval Shield : protecting a vessel against a terrorist attack. With Thales and TDA Armements, 2004-2009
- Modeling in Epidemiology, for the French Ministry of Defense (DGA), with the Etablissements Bertin, 2005
Our achievements for civilian organizations or companies
- Evaluation and development of computation software. DIGITAL Eq. Corp., 1989-93
- Theoretical and numerical study of the evolution of the interface between a liquid and a solid; problems of surface tension. Elf, 1991-93
- Models of partial discharges and insulators. Merlin-Gérin, 1992-93.
- Design and drafting of the programs of mathematics for the axis "Mathematical Engineering"; definition of the profiles of a Mathematician-Engineer. University "Léonard de Vinci", Hauts de Seine, 1992-94
- Study of a formulation by finite elements of a model of transfer of heat and moisture in the components and works of the building. Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, 1993
- Impact of "New Technologies of Communication" on the level of unemployment. Département du Lot et Garonne, 1993-94
- Study of algorithms of transport, modeling of problems of deliveries. Transept Informatique, 1994-95
- Simulations of flows in porous environment. Hydroexpert (Orsay), 1994-1997
- Financial mathematics. Compagnie Parisienne de Réescompte, 1996
- Statistical studies relating to employment. DARES, Ministry for Employment and Solidarity, 1996-2000
- Algorithms of underwater cartography. SODENA (Créteil), 1996-1999
- Treatment of the signal for non destructive testing; reconstitution of strongly attenuated signals. EdF (Chatou) , 1997-2000
- Analysis of mathematical signals collected by electrocardiograms, in order to detect populations at risk. Ela Medica, 1997-1998
- Digital simulation of diphasic problems. Elf (Pau), 1998-2000
- Analysis and improvement of a technical software. Service Technique des Routes et Autoroutes, 1999
- Mathematical modeling of toxic effects upon living species. Institut National Environnement et des Risques Industriels, 1999-2002
- Analysis of uncertainty on a numerical model. ANDRA, 1999
- Analysis of sensitivity and of uncertainty of numerical models. Methodological and practical validation. Institute of Protection and Nuclear Safety , 2000
- Analyses of uncertainties and sensitivity of a model of prediction of the atmospheric emissions of the road traffic (Emitra); development and supply of the tools for analyses. Renault, 2001
- Statistical analyses and modeling in ecotoxicology: extrapolation of the chronic effects starting from the measured acute effects. EdF, 2001
- Analysis of an European tool of prediction of the emissions of the road traffic; estimate of uncertainties related to its use. ADEME, 2001-2002
- Statistical analyses and modeling in ecotoxicology: extrapolation of marine thresholds of toxicity starting from thresholds of toxicity measured in "fresh water". EdF, 2002
- Development and supply of tools for analyses of sensitivity and uncertainties for numerical software. EdF, 2002
- Merck Laboratories, 2002:Mathematical modeling of price comparisons between countries
- Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, 2003: Analysis of the risks connected with the fall of a stratospheric balloon
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 2003: improving the measures for Uranium and Plutonium
- Framatome-ANP, 2003-2004: Probabilistic methods for evaluation of risks connected with nuclear safety
- Société d'Aménagement Urbain et Rural, 2003 : Modeling water distribution
- Veolia Environnement, 2003-200: How to improve the net concerning used waters, for the city of Brest, within 10 years
- ADEME, 2004 : Improving a tool for prevision of pollutants connected with traffic
- CNES, 2004-2005 : Realization of probabilistic maps connected with the fall of space debris
- IRSN, 2004-2005 : Improving measurements for Uranium and Plutonium
- Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel, 2004 : Frequency planification
- SNCF(French Railways), 2004 - 2005 : Study of Compression Efforts for some freight trains
- EdF (French Electricity), 2005 : Production optimization under probabilistic constraints
- Veolia Environnement, 2005: Analysis of the situations of insufficient water supply in Vendée
- CEA, Site de Saclay (French Atomic Energy), 2005-2006 : Risk analysis, connected with dangerous material transportation
- Zodiac, 2005-2006: Study of some algorithms
- Veolia Transport, 2005-2006: Definition of an urban transportation net
- Espaces Ferroviaires, 2006: Risk analysis, connected with real estate operations
- Veolia Environnement, West Region, 2006-2007:Detecting anomalies in a sensor network
- Veolia Environnement, West Region, 2007: statistical analysis of a panel of consumers
- Institut de RadioProtection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 2006-2007: improving the measures of Uranium and Plutonium
- Institut de RadioProtection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 2007: The Experimental Probabilistic Hypersurface, a tool in order to reconstruct missing data.
- SAGEM, 2007: Improving image analysis
- European Environment Agency, 2007: Probabilistic Methods for the Environment.
- Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Déchets Radioactifs (ANDRA), 2007-2008: Probabilistic tools for long term management of nuclear waste.
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, since 2007: Applying the Experimental Probabilistic Hypersurface to nuclear safety.
- EdF, CIDEN, 2007: Probabilistic methods for deconstructing nuclear plants.
- Direction Générale de l'Energie et des Matières Premières, 2007-2008: Critical analysis of the software employed for CO2 emissions.
- CEA, Saclay, 2007: Probabilistic methods in sismology.
- CEA, Saclay, 2007-2008: Probabilistic methods in epidemiology.
- CITEPA, 2007-2008: Probabilistic methods for the analysis of air quality.
- DSND, 2007-2008: Probabilistic methods in risk assessment, nuclear defense agency.
- International Stainless Steel Forum, 2008: General analysis of the information system.
- Réseau Ferré de France, 2008: Statistical study: why trains in the Paris region may be late ?
- Agence de l'Eau Artois-Picardie, 2008: Probabilistic study about quality of rivers in Artois-Picardie.
- Réseau de Transport d'Electricité, 2008: Probabilistic methods related to investment decisions.
- Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés, Ministère de l'Intérieur, 2008: Vulnerability analysis connected with the biometric passport.
- Société Colas, 2008: Analysis of a software for price estimate.
- Groupe Novalis, 2008: Analysis of the efficiency of some help to workers.
- Société Vinci, 2008: Simulating employment and transportation in a city.
- Société GPN, 2008: Analysis in sismology.
- Société Sodebo, 2008-2009: Probabilistic methods in order to anticipate price evolution for cereals.
- Cepton Stratégies, 2009: Evaluating the performances of medical visitors.
- Agence Européenne de l'Environnement, 2009: Probabilistic methods for the quality of small rivers.
- Snecma Propulsion Solide, 2009: Probabilistic methods for reliability.
- CITEPA, 2009: Probabilistic methods for reliability.
- Rhodia, 2009: prospective tools
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 2009: tools in order to help the inspectors
- Réseau de Transport d'Electricité, 2009: critical analysis of epidemiological studies
- SODEBO, 2009: statistical analyses
- International Stainless Steel Forum, 2009: brochure about CO2 emissions
- Caisse Centrale de Réassurance, 2009: probabilistic studies related to rivers debits
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 2009: probabilistic safety analyses
- Agence Nationale pour les Déchets Radioactifs, 2009: Mathematical models for radionuclides propagation in the soil
- Fédération des Établissements Hospitaliers et d'Aide à la Personne, 2009: development of an information system
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 2009: tools in order to help the inspectors
- Private Investor, 2009: Prospective studies related to the development of new energies
- European Environment Agency, 2010: probabilistic methods in order to assess quality of rivers
- Areva, 2010: Probabilistic methods for the study of a site for radioactive waste
- Paris Firemen Brigade, 2010: Statistical study related to the operations
- Fédération des Etablissements Privés et d'Aide à la Personne (FEHAP), 2010: Tools in order to simulate and investigate the possible modifications in tarifications
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 2010: Mathematical analysis of the surveilance equipment in a nuclear reactor
- Grande Paroisse, 2010: Building and analyzing a database
- Axa Private Equity, 2010: study of possible investments
- Novalis-Taitbout, 2010: analysis of the information system
- EdF, Health Service;, 2010: analysis of the propagation models for some diseases
- International Stainless Steel Forum, 2010: analysis of CO2 emissions
- Agence Nationale de l'Habitat, 2010: probability laws related to delays in payment
- PSA Peugeot Citroën, 2010: Statistical studies
- Agence Nationale pour les Déchets Radioactifs, 2010: Improving a software for radionuclide propagation in the soil
- Nuclear Energy Agency (OCDE), 2010: Probabilistic methods for the detection of aberrant data in the databases
- Groupe Total, 2010: Probabilistic methods for the evaluation of a pollution
- Caisse Centrale de Réassurance, 2010-2011: Probabilistic methods for the evaluation of the joint law for extreme phenomena
- Direction Générale Energie Climat, 2010-2011, with the CITEPA: Estimating the uncertainties for the National Inventory of Pollutants
- PSA Peugeot Citroën, 2011: Statistical studies
- Réseau Ferré de France, 2011: Analysis of the causes of train delays and investment decisions
- SNCF, 2011: Optimizing the investments, with respect to the works to be realized on the railways
- ANDRA, 2011: Improving a software concerning radionuclide transfer
- Siemens France, 2011: Comparison studies
- Air Liquide, 2011: Tools for decision help
- Groupe Colas, 2011: Documentation studies
- FEHAP, 2011: Statistics concerning the facilities
- IRSN, 2011: Probabilistic studies concerning reactors safety
- International Stainless Steel Forum, 2011: Prospective tools
- Commission Européenne (with the Group Poyry), 2011-2012: Probabilistic methods for water quality
- IFSTTAR, 2011-2012: Improving GPS positioning in an urban environment
- Suez Environnement, 2011-2012: Probabilistic methods for water quality
- ArcelorMittal, 2011-2012: Probabilistic methods for the quality of an industrial process
- Nuclear Energy Agency (OCDE), 2011-2012: Dectecting erroneous data
- Groupe Total, 2011-2012: Tools for decision help
- EdF, Service des Etudes Médicales, 2011-2012: Critical analysis of some epidemiological studies
- Réseau de Transport d'Electricité, 2012: Comparison between a connected network and an isolated network
- Espaces Ferroviaires, 2012: Building a keyword database about real estate operations
- ANDRA, 2012: Improving a model for multilayer transfer about radionuclides
- ISTES, 2012: Critical analysis of articles relating agriculture production and the quality of water in the ocean
- International Stainless Steel Forum, 2012: Prospective tools for Nickel price anticipation
- CITEPA, 2012: Detecting outliers in a set of environmental data
- Réseau Ferré de France, 2012: Defining criticity indicators
- IRSN, 2012: Building a software in order to help the inspections of nuclear materials
- SAUR, 2012: Building a panel of consumers
- IRSN, 2012: Computing economical indicators in case of a severe accident
- Air Liquide, 2012: Databases for reliability
- Aéroports de Paris, 2012: Critical analysis of epidemiological studies, relating airplanes noise to sanitary consequences in the nearby housing
- Agence d'Ecologie Urbaine, Ville de Paris, 2012: Critical analysis of a software about air quality
- GDF SUEZ, 2012: Evaluation of uncertainties in gas accounting
- DCNS, 2012: How to present the "Flexblue" project to investors?
- French Police, Headquarters, 2012-2013: Identification of specific competences
- Areva, 2012: Probabilistic methods for the evaluation of mechanical properties of components
- IRSN, 2012: Preliminary statistical analysis about radioactivity data in the environment
- Réseau de Transport d'Electricité, 2013: Critical analysis of the "Geocap" study
- Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés, 2013: Analysis of the data about the biometric passport and analysis of frauds
- IRSN, 2013: Methodological investigation about the estimates for differences in the national accounting for nuclear matters
- DCNS, 2013: Preliminary analysis of the reasons for insufficient quality on a production site
- DCNS, 2013: Probabilistic methods for the improvement of an industrial process
- Espaces Ferroviaires, 2013: Probabilistic analysis of the risks connected with real estate
- RFF, 2013: Improving the regularity of the trains, Paris region
- Société Sodebo, 2013: Updating a tool connected with the forecast for corn prices
- Société Axtrid, 2013; Using the EPH (Experimental Probabilistic Hypersurface)
- Caisse Centrale de Réassurance, 2013-14: Repartition of the occurrences for natural accidents
- Ligue de Défense des Conducteurs, 2013: Critical analysis of scientific publications connected with the speed of vehicles
- Ispra Waste Management Support (Commission Européenne), 2013 : Review of statistical assumptions
- Vinci Construction Grands Projets (Ligne à Grande Vitesse Sud Europe Atlantique), 2013: Estimates for the return period of extreme floodings
- Coop de France déshydratation, 2013: Realisation of a tool for the study of chemicals present in the atmosphere
- COPACEL, 2014: Presenting a price information for the companies which are affiliated to the Syndicate
- IRSN, 2013-2014: Analysis of the TELERAY data (radioactivity in the environment)
- IRSN, 2014-2015 : Comparisons between the EPH and Krigeing methods
- Monceau Assurances, 2014 : Defining a commercial policy
- Orcade Commodities, 2014 : Prospective indicator about wheat price
- Poste Immo, 2014 : Tools for decision help, related to energy savings
- Nuclear Energy Agency, 2014 : Detection of incorrect data in nuclear databases
- Solvay, 2014 : Prospective tools about car sales
- L'Oréal, 2014 : Evaluation of risk rates connected with work accidents
- Ligue des Conducteurs, 2014 : Critical analysis of published articles
- Compagnie Financière de Florissant (Suisse), 2014 : Financial mathematics
- IRSN, 2014 : Indicators for the General Director of the Institute
- IRSN, 2014 : Software tool for the accounting of nuclear data
- Direction Générale Energie Climat (MEDD), 2014-2015 : Probabilistic links between traffic and pollutants
- Centre Technique des Institutions de Prévoyance, 2014-2015 : Scientific assistance
- ERDF, 2015 : Defining robust methods for the travels
- CTIP, 2015 : Scientific assistance
- IRDEME, 2015 : Critical analysis of a document
- FEHAP, 2015 : Defining indicators for the directors of the Federation
- EDF SEPTEN, 2015 : Studies related with nuclear safety
- Solétanche Bachy, 2015 : Statistical studies
- IRSN, 2015: Complements related to the EPH
- IFSTTAR, 2015: Improvement of GPS positioning in urban environment (3)
- Société TELCAP, 2015: Statistical studies
- Société SNF, 2015: Analysis of correlations between prices for raw materials
- SARP, 2015: White paper about "Solvability II"
- Nuclear Energy Agency, 2015: Verification of the databases EXFOR and ENDF
- IRSN, 2015: Analysis of the Teleray network
- IRSN, 2015-2016: Malfunctions in sensors networks
- Carrefour, 2016: Statistical studies
- Nuclear Energy Agency, 2016: Mathematical methods for the verification of nuclear databases
- CTIP, 2016: Scientific assistance
- Monceau Assurances, 2016: Conception of a "Generator of economical scenarios"
- RATP, 2016: Scientific assistance for the planning of replacement of critical equipment
- L'Oréal, 2016: Analysis of available data for traffic accidents, for commuters
- SNCF Réseau, 2016: Scientific assistance for the study of various scenarios for a new train line
- ANDRA, 2016, 2017, 2018: Best position of sensors for the surveillance of a site of nuclear waste
- COSEA, 2016: Statistical studies connected with the quality of water
- SGAMI/Est, 2016 and 2018: Data connected with the available resources in case of crisis
- Taxis G7, 2016: Critical analysis of algorithms
- RATP, 2016-2018 : Modelling the behavior of the trains in the case of emergency braking
- RATP, 2017 : Simulation tool for the best itinerary for night trains
- SNCF/Transilien, 2017 : Critical analysis of the existing models about people's transfers, realization of a simulation tool
- Monceau Assurances, 2017-2018 : Improving the commercial activity
- Monceau Assurances, 2017-2018 : Realization of a tool in order to study the impact of natural events upon the portfolio
- Syndicat des Eaux d'Ile de France, 2017 : Critical analysis of algorithms
- Taxis G7, 2017 : Logistics studies
- Nuclear Energy Agency, 2017 : Probabilistic methods for the verification of large databases
- Carrefour/Bazar, 2017 : A tool for buyers
- COSEA, 2017 : Statistical studies connected with water quality
- ANDRA, 2017-2018 : Best position of sensors in a site of nuclear waste
- Réseau de Transport d'Electricité, 2017-2018 : Critical analysis of preventive maintenance
- SNCF Mobilités, 2018 : People's travels near the "Nanterre-La Défense" Paris area
- RATP, 2018 : Probabilistic studies connected with tractions and slowing down.
- Atlandes, 2018 : Analysis of the number of cars on the exits of a highway
- Private investor, 2018 : "Due Diligence" of a financial company
- Ministry of Interior, 2018: Analysis of crisis situations
- Framatome, 2018: Analysis of a safety demonstration
- Eramet, 2018: Improving the quality of an industrial process
- Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, 2018-2019: Soil pollution
- RATP (Paris underground railway), 2018-2019: Probabilistic study of efforts upon the structure of bridges
- Société Générale, 2019 (Bank): Study of the correlation between two time series
- SARP Industries, 2019: Hierarchy of parameters in an industrial process
- Industry, 2019: Improving an industrial process
- Coop de France Déshydratation (French Cooperative of Agricultural Industry) 2019: Statistical analyses
- Transportation company, 2019: Statistical analysis of position data sent by containers
- Orano Mining, 2019: Hierarchy of parameters in an industrial process
- CEA, 2019 (French Atomic Energy): Hierarchy of parameters
- Groupe Atlantic (Industrial Heaters), 2019: Probabilistic analysis of the calls to the Consumer Service
- Arcelor Mittal Research, 2019-2020: Improving an industrial process
- Coop de France Luzerne, 2019: Statistical analyzes and comparisons between factories
- PSA, 2020: Critical analysis of reinsurance thresholds
- Coldway Technologies, 2020: Carrying out a safety demonstration
- Ministry of the Interior, SGAMI, 2020: Methodological support relating to teleworking
- Framatome, 2020: Writing of a safety demonstration for a control card
- Atlandes, A63 Motorway, 2020: Heavy Vehicle Statistics
- Investor, 2020: Critical analysis of the "biogas" sector
- Air Liquide, 2021: analysis of the lifespan of certain components
- Naval Industries Campus, 2021: Development of an Information System
- SARP Industries, Limay site, 2021: Study of parameters influencing CO2 production
- Eiffage Rail, 2021: Tools for analyzing equipment reliability
- Financial institution, 2021: Development of a probabilistic methodology for the temporal forecasting of financial variables
- Monceau Assurances, 2021-2022: Storm risk and the Monceau Assurances portfolio
- Financial institution, 2021-2022: Tool for anticipating Brent prices
- RATP, 2021: Modeling train behavior in emergency braking situations
- SNCF, 2021-2022: Safety File for Hydrogen Trains
- Terega, 2021: Probabilistic methods for verifying the integrity of pipelines
- Bouygues Energies & Services, 2022: Methodological support for the design of a “Malfunctions and Maintenance” information system
- Befesa Valéra, 2022: Hierarchy of parameters involved in the adjustment of an oven
- RATP, 2022-2023: Analysis of the stability of old embankments; Archimedes' approach
- Atlandes SA, 2022: Statistical analysis relating to heavy goods vehicle journeys
- Léon Grosse, 2022-2023: Analysis of “hail” risk for photovoltaic panels
- RATP, 2022-2023: Analysis of program costs
- SNCF, 2023: Methodological support for rail inspection plans
- CMA-CGM, 2023: Critical analysis of methods in operational research
- Coop de France Luzerne, 2023: Statistical analyzes
- Neext Engineering, 2023: Critical analysis of a Small Modular Reactor project
- National Agency for Secured Titles, 2023: Anticipation of requests for Secured Titles
- Peptinov, 2023: Probabilistic processing of epidemiological data
- Digital Department, General Secretariat of Economic and Financial Ministries, 2023: Quantum Computing: Critical analysis of the state of the art
- Cristal Union, 2023: Probabilistic methods for comparing biocide trials
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